3 Beds 2.5 Baths 8 Guests Request info Printer-friendly version Prominence - To Beach or Not To Beach6 Seater Golf Cart Included with Your Rental!Living AreaLiving AreaLiving AreaKitchen with Breakfast BarKitchenKitchenKitchenKitchenKitchenKitchenEntrywayDining AreaDining AreaHalf BathMain BedroomMain BedroomMain BedroomEn Suite BathroomEn Suite BathroomBedroom 2Bedroom 2Bathroom 2Bedroom 3Bedroom 3Laundry RoomDeckDeckExteriorEntrywayExteriorExteriorProminenceZero Entry PoolPoolGrilling AreaPoolPoolPoolSeating at the Big ChillSeating at the Big ChillSeating at the Big ChillEntertainment at The Big ChillSeating at the Big ChillPool EntranceThe Big ChillShops at The Big ChillPool 2Pool 2Aerial ViewAerial ViewAerial View Search Availability Location: 30A RentalsResort: Prominence on 30AFeatured Amenities: Golf Cart Included In StayPet FriendlyPoolPool - Heated Seasonally