Named as one of the Top 10 Jazz Festivals in the United States, the Seabreeze Jazz Festival in Panama City Beach combines the top smooth jazz artists with a full weekend of fun, sun, and good times - all on the west end of Panama City Beach. Panhandle Getaways is thrilled to be an official sponsor of the event!

The event attracts over 20,000 fans from the USA, Canada, and Europe for the ultimate performance-packed weekend of jazz. Full Seabreeze Jazz Schedule.

Seabreeze Jazz Fest will be held at Aaron Bessant Park in Panama City Beach, April 19-23, 2023. Panhandle Getaways is the Official Condo and Vacation Rental Sponsor of the festival. 

Book your stay with us today! 
Enter to win Two General Admission tickets for all 4 days of the 2023 Festival!


No purchase necessary. Contest ends 3/17/23. Must be 18 to enter. Full details on the entry page.